Call for applications to MOVE European Mobility Fellowship

April 26, 2022

The Danish Society of Extracellular Vesicles (DSEV) has collaborated with other Extracellular Vesicle societies across Europe to form MOVE (MObility for Vesicles research in Europe) to allow early-stage scientists to work in another lab European laboratory.

The MOVE Fellowship aims to foster collaboration between different European EV Societies and Networks members. The Fellowship will enable Early Career Researchers (the applicants) to travel to another lab in Europe (the hosts) to develop both their technical skills and expand their professional networks.

The Fellowship is intended for research technicians, Ph.D. students, and early-stage postdoctoral researchers (≤ five years, excluding career breaks). There may be some exceptions, for example, suitable applications from master students. The Fellowship will cover travel and subsistence (but not bench fees or salary) to work within a host lab at an academic institution in a different European country for between one and three months, up to a maximum value of 15.000Dkr. The travel must be performed within 12 months after being awarded.


  1. Identify a suitable registered host lab for your project link here
  2. Contact the host lab directly to discuss your proposed project
  3. Apply for the Fellowship by mail to: Deadline September 1st, 2022.
  4. The Fellowship will be awarded at the Annual Meeting of DSEV on October 6th, 2022, in Roskilde.
  5. The travel must be performed within 12 months after being awarded and documented with a short presentation (15 minutes) at the General Assembly the following year.

The application must include:

  • Short motivation (10 lines)
  • Project description (1 page)
  • CV incl a list of publications (max two pages)
  • Budget (travel, accommodation, reagents, etc. incl. co-financing from Institution and Host-lab)
  • Signed hosting letter (1 page)

Please note that the intellectual properties, ethical approvements, non-disclosure agreements, and data ownership are held with the host labs. We recommend the home lab of the participant and the foreign host lab agree on these matters. The Danish Society of Extracellular Vesicles renounces any liability regarding approvements and agreements.